Hi all! I just realized that this is my 100th post! I can't believe it! I know that there is nothing too exciting here on my little blog of this and that, but thanks to those of you who pop in every now and then to check in. While I realize I do not receive a mass of readers as some other blogs I am totally okay with that. My goal is this: to spread a passion for Jesus Christ, to raise awareness about our failing yet thriving industrial food system, and share my journey/transition into eating real/whole/nourishing/traditional foods. I'm not perfect at any of those, but I want this blog to be a place where I can write about those things, and if maybe one person is blessed/encouraged/inspired then, mission accomplished! Thanks for reading my random rambles! Heres to many more!
On another note: I wanted to share my meal plan for the next few weeks with you. Maybe you can find something on here that gives you a dinner idea :-) I hope so!
-Veggie Stir fry with rice and quinoa
-chicken rice and quinoa soup w/ homemade stock, brown braised pearl onions, and homemade whole wheat bread
-tacos w/ homemade whole wheat tortillas and salad
- zuppa tuscan soup with salad and homemade whole wheat bread
-eggs, bacon, homemade whole wheat bread
- cheeseburgers with salad and potatoes
- quesadillas with raw carrots
- leftovers
- panko chicken legs w/ raw carrots and steamed
-veggie & meat pizza w/ homemade whole wheat crust and salad
- taco soup and salad
- eggs, bacon, potatoes
I just realized that I was EXTRA naughty with this menu plan- we are not eating fish once! Usually we try to eat it at least once a week! Oh well, we'll have to make up for it next time and have it twice a week! :-)
Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE butter and raw milk?! I haven't?! OK, well I really love it! haha!
1 comment:
So proud of you, Jessica. Keep up the good and important work!
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