Sunday, September 25, 2011

captivated by the crisp

This morning is the first morning that it has actually felt like Fall. There is a crispness to the morning air that is quite lovely... its a snuggle up with a large cup of tea and stay in all day sort of crispness.

God is a good God. All He gives is good gifts- always. I love that about my Jesus. I deserve death and He gives me nothing but mercy and His goodness. Some days His goodness doesn't look good to me... sometimes it feels painful and hard... sometimes His goodness feels like He is giving me a stone instead of bread. Oh Lord, let me not believe the lie that you give your children stones... open my eyes to see that the bread just looks/feels like a stone. Most days, His goodness feels good to me. When Jesus opens my eyes to see His glory around me... to see the good gifts (even the ones that don't feel like gifts) that he lavishes upon me... I don't just see the gifts anymore, I now see the giver- Jesus.

Crisp, fall morning air and crunchy fallen leaves are such gifts from God. The WHOLE earth is filled with His glory! Praise His name!

I wish there was a way to capture the crisp chill of the fall air so that I could share it with you. So, I guess the photo of crunchy fall leaves below will have to do for now :-)

love to all.

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